Génesis Lara is SPOHP’s new Latino History Coordinator. Currently a senior at the University of Florida studying history, Génesis is a University Scholar and recipient of the Ann Regan Undergraduate Research Award.
In Fall 2013, Génesis will work with SPOHP’s internship class on its semester-long project, which focuses on the 20th founding anniversary of La Casita, UF’s Institute of Hispanic-Latino Cultures, for Spring 2014. The project centers on active student leaders and founders of the organization.
Génesis will also continue research with the Tucson Ethnic Studies project, conducted with the teachers of the banned ethnic studies program in Tucson, Arizona, and work on community outreach for programs like the premiere of “Siempre Adelante,” which documents the life experiences and patterns of undocumented immigrant life in the U.S.
As one of her main project goals for Latino History at SPOHP, Génesis will work to document the accomplishments and struggles of Latinos in the United States through oral history. Latinos are expected to become the majority population in the United States by 2050, and SPOHP’s collection is an emerging place of discussion to ask what this fact will mean socially and politically in the future, as illuminated by the lessons of the past.
Génesis’s thesis research for the University Scholars Program focuses on the revolutionary period in the Dominican Republic (1961-1966). In her work, Génesis plans to shed light on the importance of this revolution to Latin America and global Cold War politics. As the United States feared that the Dominican Republic would become “the next Cuba”, the country struggled to shape its future after the 31-year dictatorship of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina. Her research will explore the international support this revolution had and different political actors who sacrificed their lives to create a constitutional democratic government in the Dominican Republic. One of her main research interests is Dominican political theorist Juan Bosch and his influence in the revolution. She intends for the thesis to be a tribute to the men and women who sacrificed their lives seeking freedom in the Dominican Republic.
Génesis joined the staff at SPOHP as a transcriber doing Spanish language translation after working as an intern. She also is also a central coordinator of this year’s Hispanic Heritage Month celebration at the University of Florida. Genesis will be presenting at the 47th Annual Oral History Association’s Meeting on “The Transformational Power of an Ethnic Studies Education: Fighting for Love in Tucson, Arizona” under SPOHP’s Education and Social Change in Oral History panel in October.
For more information about Latino History at SPOHP, contact Génesis Lara.