“UF Oral History Program Digs Deep in the Delta” from the Groundswell Blog, October 4, 2013.
Groundswell: Oral History for Social Change is a dynamic, active network of oral historians, activists, cultural workers, community organizers, and documentary artists who are using oral history and narrative in creative, effective and ethical ways to support movement building and transformative social change. Groundswell recently featured the Mississippi Freedom Project’s annual research trip on their blog, in a post by SPOHP’s Sarah Blanc and featuring photos from AAHP Graduate Coordinator Justin Dunnavant.
Whether your interviewee is an elderly, impoverished black woman who lived most of her life as a sharecropper, or an elderly, wealthy white man who is determined to convince you that “the race problem is over down here,” the students understand the ‘slow and respectful work’ required to set the record straight.
-Groundswell, Oct. 2013