There have always been women, people of color, and queer folks in punk rock, both in the U.S. and throughout the wider world. Punks from countries as varied as Peru, Spain, Indonesia, Russia, and beyond have braved incarceration, religious re-education camps, and even forced disappearances in honoring the lifestyle and artistic expression that they have created spaces for through the punk scene. Punk is global, complex, and diverse.
This internship focuses on how and why people create these spaces. We will publicly archive oral history interviews to allow people of color, women, and queer punks to describe their experiences in their own words and voices. What kinds of spaces for resistance and social justice can people create when they overtly reject social norms?
SPOHP Intern Opportunities:
- Interviewing and fieldwork methods and theory
- Transcription and interview processing
- Podcasting and audio editing
- Social media and public event promotion
- Short documentaries and video editing
- Public and community engagement and theory
Applications are due April 16, 2018
Fall 2018 SPOHP Internship Application
For more information check out Oral history internship program, contact Associate Program Director Ryan Morini, or visit us at the SPOHP offices in Pugh Hall 247