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Documenting the Ethnic Studies Struggle through Oral History Field Work Trip: A Collaboration between Prescott College and the University of Florida

Press Release For Immediate Release Documenting the Ethnic Studies Struggle through Oral History Field Work Trip: A Collaboration between Prescott College and the University of Florida February 26, 2015, Throughout February 28 – March 8, 2015, students, staff and faculty from the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program (SPOHP) at the University of Florida will be visiting […]

March 5 Tucson Ethnic Studies Research Trip Panel Event: “Documenting the Ethnic Studies Struggles through Oral History” at Prescott College

Press Release For Immediate Release February 13, 2015, On March 5, 2015 at the Western Institute for Leadership Development at 6:00pm Prescott College and Samuel Proctor Oral History Program at the University of Florida will present the panel Documenting the Ethnic Studies Struggles through Oral History: A Conversation between Prescott College and the University of […]

Spring 2015 Internship Class Podcasts (coordinated by Jessica Taylor and Kyle Bridge): Virginia Fieldwork in Folklore, Appalachian Social Change Project, Community organizing, and more

Spring 2015 interns produced podcasts on a variety of topics. Image from Jacksonville, Florida Wikipedia article. University of Florida Digital Collections Archive To date, 90+ oral history podcasts are available on the University of Florida’s Digital Collections website, including final projects for internship classes, as well as the Summer 2013 seminar and original SPOHP podcast series, released […]

UF School of Theatre and Dance Presents “Gator Tales” in February 2015 with Alachua County African American History Project

From February 13 to 22, the UF School of Theatre and Dance will perform a new drama entitled Gator Tales, an original play devised and directed by Professor Kevin Marshall in conjunction with the UF Samuel Proctor Oral History Program (SPOHP). This is the first time that interviews from the SPOHP collection have been adapted […]

University Gallery at 50: The Roy Craven Legacy, Gallery Founder and Longest Standing Director

Digital Humanities Coordinator Deborah Hendrix produced an interview documentary on Roy’s Craven’s remarkable legacy for the 50th Anniversary Commemoration, taking place this January. The Samuel Proctor Oral History Program interviewed Roy Craven in 1992 about his career at the University of Florida for the university-wide oral history collection, currently archived with the interview UF-207 in the University of […]

College of Journalism and Communications Students Share Oral Histories with Visual Storytelling Web Applications

It only took an hour for College of Journalism and Communications undergrads taking part in an exercise during their Visual Journalism class to make history by setting a campus precedent: they were the first to ever create stories using visual storytelling web-based applications to share oral history interviews from the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program’s archives. The […]

Fall 2014 Internship Class Podcasts (coordinated by Jessica Taylor and Matthew Simmons): Veterans History

Fall 2014 interns produced podcasts on veterans history. Image from Stephen Dodd, donated to the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program. University of Florida Digital Collections Archive To date, 50+ oral history podcasts are available on the University of Florida’s Digital Collections website, including final projects for the entire Spring 2011, 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014 and Fall 2014, intern classes, […]

Podcasts Storifyed for Fall 2014 Visual Journalism Class

Students Elaine Sponholtz’s Visual Journalism class at the College of Journalism and Communications (JOU3220C) brought SPOHP podcasts to life using visual storytelling websites Storify, Exposure, and Storehouse in Fall 2014. “La Casita: A Story of the Latino Population at UF” by Kelcey Thomas using Exposure. “Women’s Roles During the Vietnam War” by Laura Cardona using Exposure, based […]