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Oral history project underway

“Oral history project underway,” by Sherry Hamilton, The Gloucester-Mathews Gazette-Journal, September 3, 2014. In anticipation of the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program’s annual Virginia Fieldwork in Folklore trip, The Gloucester-Mathews Gazette-Journal wrote about earlier oral histories conducted in Mathews County by SPOHP graduate coordinator Jessica Taylor. Taylor’s interviews laid the groundwork for the October trip, which was conducted in […]

Inaugural SPOHP Folklore and History in Virginia Team to Launch in October

Gainesville, FL—From October 21-26, 2014, UF history students will travel to eastern Virginia to discuss folklore, traditional crafts, and rural development with residents of Mathews and Middlesex Counties. The inaugural trip will feature two oral history open houses in Virginia, a methods workshop, and an interdisciplinary panel open to the public. Oral history research conducted […]

Eleven UF students to research oral history traditions in Virginia

“Eleven UF students to research oral history traditions in Virginia,” by Veronica Lopresti Mingrone, The Independent Florida Alligator, Saturday, September 29, 2014. In October, SPOHP will launch an inaugural folklore and history research team to the tidewater area of Virginia. The Independent Florida Alligator featured news about the upcoming trip, comprised of past and present interns, staff members, graduate […]