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“Dr. King’s Legacy During the Age of Obama: A Call for an Authentic Multiracial Democracy” by Dr. Carlos Muñoz

On January 24, 2013, Dr. Carlos Muñoz, Professor in the Department of Ethnic Studies at the University of California at Berkeley and SPOHP Advisory Board member, gave the following speech at Kent State University. Dr. Muñoz was the keynote speaker at Kent State’s annual Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration, themed “Empowering the Individual, Strengthening the […]

98th Annual National Conference for the Study of African American Life and History, Oct. 2-6

October 2-6, 2013, SPOHP will be attending the 98th Annual Conference for the Study of African American Life and History in Jacksonville, Florida, “At the Crossroads of Freedom and Equality: The Emancipation Proclamation and the March on Washington.” The ASALH Annual Meeting is an occasion to explore the history and culture of Africans and people […]

Oral History Association 2014 Call for Papers: Madison, WI

“Oral History in Motion: Movements, Transformations, and the Power of Story” OHA Annual Meeting in Madison, WI, October 6-12, 2014 Deadline: February 1, 2014 Motion suggests many things: action and transformation; dynamism and fluidity; migration and the power to move. By its very nature, oral history is constantly in motion – in the evolving relationship […]

Sept. 17-22, The 6th Annual Mississippi Freedom Project Tour and Speaker Series

Gainesville, FL—During the week of September 17 through September 22, the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program (SPOHP) at UF will return to the Mississippi Delta to continue research on the civil rights movement in Mississippi with veteran civil rights activists and leading scholars of the Mississippi campaign for equal rights. SPOHP will bring a research […]

Meet Génesis Lara, SPOHP’s Latino History Coordinator

Génesis Lara is SPOHP’s new Latino History Coordinator. Currently a senior at the University of Florida studying history, Génesis is a University Scholar and recipient of the Ann Regan Undergraduate Research Award. In Fall 2013, Génesis will work with SPOHP’s internship class on its semester-long project, which focuses on the 20th founding anniversary of La Casita, UF’s Institute […]

OHA Awards Vox Populi “Voice of the People” Honor to SPOHP, Recognizes Partner in McComb, MS

Gainesville, FL. August 14, 2013—The Oral History Association is awarding its 2013 Stetson Kennedy Vox Populi (“Voice of the People”) Award to the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program for achievements in using oral histories as a means of furthering social justice. As OHA President Dr. Mary Larson noted, the awarding committee congratulated SPOHP on its […]

Congratulations to SPOHP’s Fall 2013 Volunteer of the Quarter, Don Obrist!

Mr. Don Obrist has been working with the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program since 2011, primarily on the Veterans History Project, with Ann Smith and a talented group of volunteers who hail from all walks of life. Don has interviewed military veterans from a broad range of eras, including World War II, Korea, and Vietnam-era service members. Ann Smith, […]

Freedom Summer Oral History and Library Curation Project at UF Begins to Process Interviews

Gainesville, FL, August 15, 2013—George A. Smathers Libraries approved a mini-grant proposal to transcribe the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program (SPOHP)’s Mississippi Freedom Project collection. The collection features in-depth oral history interviews with leaders and activists involved in the civil rights movement in Mississippi. The completion of this project is timed to coincide with the […]