University of Florida Homepage

Oregon, 2018

This past May I visited the Pacific Northwest to conduct interviews with descendants of immigrants from the former Ottoman Empire. During the next few weeks and months, I will share some of my findings. I would like to begin by introducing a new addition to the collection of documents which are a part of the […]

Pennsylvania, 2023

Fieldwork Eastern Pennsylvania Day 1 Fieldwork Eastern Pennsylvania Day 2 Fieldwork Eastern Pennsylvania Day 3 Fieldwork Eastern Pennsylvania Day 4 Fieldwork Eastern Pennsylvania Day 5 Fieldwork Eastern Pennsylvania Day 6 Fieldwork Eastern Pennsylvania Day 7 Fieldwork Eastern Pennsylvania Day 8 Fieldwork Eastern Pennsylvania Day 9 Fieldwork Eastern Pennsylvania Day 10

The Acropolis and the Madonna: A Case Study of Refugee Deportation

The displacement of Syrian refugees to European shores over the past five years has led US public opinion to revisit themes from the academic discourse about immigration. Isolationism, nativism, and restrictionism permeate modern public opinion and in the process transport its audience through a time warp to the early-twentieth century. These themes reverberate in the […]