University of Florida Homepage

3/31, “Virtual Museum of World Heritage: A 3D Digital Collection for the UF Digital Epigraphy and Archaeology Project” with Eleni Bozia

On Monday, March 31 at 4:00 p.m. the Center for Humanities and the Public Sphere will present a lecture with Eleni Boiza, Rothman Faculty Summer Fellow in the UF Department of Classics, “Virtual Museum of World Heritage: A 3D DIgital Collection for the UF Digital Epigraphy and Archaeology Project” in Walker Hall 201D. This talk […]

3/19-21 Panama Considered: 63rd Annual Conference of the Center for Latin American Studies

The Samuel Proctor Oral History Program is co-sponsoring the Center for Latin American Studies’ 63rd annual conference, “Panama Reconsidered,” from March 19-21, 2014, at the University of Florida. The sessions will include lectures and panel presentations on the history, politics and culture of Panama, as well as current recent research in science and technology taking […]

3/24-28 Farmworker Awareness Week at UF

From March 24-28, the Interfaith Alliance for Immigrant Justice, CHISPAS UF, Samuel Proctor Oral History Program, and Institute of Hispanic-Latino Cultures present Farmworker Awareness Week, a series of events dedicated to consciousness-raising related to farmworker justice and social issues. RSVP on Facebook 3/17 10 AM, 1 PM, and 5 PM @ La Casita: Siempre Adelante Screening 3/24 […]

3/18, What is Latino?

As part of La Casita’s 20th Anniversary events, a panel discussion with UF faculty will share their personal narratives and discuss what being Latino/a/Hispanic means to them on Tuesday, March 18 at 3:00 p.m. in Pugh 210. This will be an exciting panel with Dr. Luisa Dempere from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, […]

2/25, “No Spic for President” at the Institute of Hispanic-Latino Cultures

On Tuesday, February 25, the Institute of Hispanic-Latino Cultures will present “No Spic for President,” as alumni Gil Sanchez speaks on the troubling event that occurred when he was running for student body president. He will be interviewed by Dr. Paul Ortiz and introduced by student body Vice President Joselyn Rivas. The interview is part […]

2/19, “The Slow Murmur of Learning: Honoring Substance and Solitude in Education”

On Wednesday, February 19, Diana Senechal of the Columbia Secondary School in New York City will speak at 5:30 p.m. the Hippodrome in downtown Gainesville as part of the Center for Humanities and Public Sphere speaker series, “‘Civil’ Society? On the Prospect of Meaningful Dialogue” SPOHP is a co-sponsor of the event. For more information: Calendar Over […]

2/20-21 Feminist Anthropology Sympsium

On Thursday, Feb. 20 and Friday, Feb. 21, the UF Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research presents a feminist anthropology symposium “Feminist Publics, Current Engagements: Gender, Culture, Society 40 Years Later.” The events will be held in Ustler Hall, made possible by generous support from the Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere. […]

2/14, Movie: “Monsters/los Monstruos” at Gainesville’s Cinema Verde Environmental Film Festival

On Friday, February 14, the documentary charting the triumphant struggle of Pilsen-based activist Leila Mendez will be shown as part of Gainesville’s environmental film festival, Cinema Verde. This screening is being co-sponsored by Gainesville Loves Mountains, The Samuel Proctor Oral History Program, the Beltram Peace Center, and Gainesville’s Interfaith Alliance for Immigrant Justice. View the trailer online. RSVP on […]