Veterans History Project to Hold WWII Event with the Matheson, “Sentimental Journey: World War II Here and Over There,” Nov. 11
To celebrate Veterans Day, the public program will include event speakers Dr. Steven Noll and VHP Coordinator Ann Smith, and a multimedia exhibit of memorabilia and oral histories.
LDAP Receives National Endowment for the Humanities ‘Latino Americans: 500 Years of History’ Grant
Gainesville, FL—The Samuel Proctor Oral History Program has been selected to receive a competitive Latino Americans: 500 Years of History grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the American Library Association (ALA).
OHA Recognizes Freedom Summer Oral History and Library Curation Project with Elizabeth B. Mason Small Project Award
The Oral History Association (OHA), the national professional organization for oral history practitioners, will honor the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program and George A. Smathers Libraries Mississippi Freedom Summer Oral History and Library Curation Project this October with the Elizabeth B. Mason Small Project Award at its annual meeting in Tampa, Florida. The conference will […]
SPOHP To Lead Panels, Sponsor Events and Performances at Oral History Association 2015 Annual Meeting in Tampa, Florida
The 2015 theme, “Stories for Social Change and Social Justice,” focuses attention on the power of oral history to uncover links between political and cultural change.
UF School of Theatre and Dance to Stage Encore Performance of “Gator Tales” at 2015 Oral History Association Annual Meeting in Tampa
On Thursday, October 15, 2015, an encore performance of “Gator Tales” will be performed at the Oral History Association Annual Meeting at the Tampa Bay History Center in Tampa, Florida.
SPOHP Releases “Addiction in American Life” Transcripts and Podcasts
Gainesville, FL— “Addiction in American Life” resources are now available from the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program (SPOHP) online at the University of Florida Digital Collections. The transcripts and podcasts are the result of a semester’s work by SPOHP’s Spring 2015 undergraduate internship class to explore historians’ understanding of the complex phenomenon of addiction. SPOHP students conducted […]
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The Samuel Proctor Oral History Program Receives Diversity Award from the Society of American Archivists
The award recognizes individuals and institutions for outstanding contributions advancing diversity within the archives profession, and will be presented at a ceremony during the SAA Annual Meeting in Cleveland August 16-22.
Jody Noll is SPOHP’s 2015 Julian Pleasants Travel Award Scholar
Gainesville, FL—The Samuel Proctor Oral History Program congratulates Jody Noll, Ph.D. student at Georgia State University, on his receipt of SPOHP’s 2015 Julian Pleasants Travel Award. Noll is writing his doctoral dissertation about the 1968 Florida Teachers Strike, and will use the award to conduct oral histories and explore resources in the P.K. Yonge Library […]
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SPOHP and Cone Park Library Partner for Special Emancipation Day Program May 20, 2015
Gainesville, FL—The Samuel Proctor Oral History Program (SPOHP) in conjunction with the Cone Park Library will be hosting a special Emancipation Day program at the Cone Park Library on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 from 2:30-4:00 pm. The program is designed for children ages K-6 but is open to all. During the program, attendees will learn […]
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