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Mississippi Freedom Project Interviews to be Available on UFDC for MLK Celebration, Freedom Summer Anniversary

Gainesville, FL— On January 22, 2014, George A. Smathers Libraries and the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program will release the first round in a series of oral history interviews with civil rights veterans of the Mississippi freedom movement for UF’s week of celebration surrounding Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The collection, “The Mississippi Freedom Project,” […]

Meet Erin Conlin, a SPOHP Graduate Coordinator and visiting scholar at Concordia University

Erin Conlin, a PhD candidate in twentieth century U.S. History at the University of Florida, is a SPOHP Graduate Coordinator. She began working at SPOHP in Fall 2012 and is currently a visiting scholar at Concordia University’s Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling. As a Graduate Coordinator, Erin coordinated SPOHP’s academic internship in Fall […]

Recap: Reflections from the Oral History Association 47th Annual Conference in Oklahoma City, OK

From October 9-13, the Oral History Association hosted its 47th annual conference in Oklahoma City, OK. The conference featured presentations from researchers from around the world, including members of the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program, Dr. Paul Ortiz, Joanna Joseph, and Graduate Coordinators Jessica Taylor, Justin Dunnavant,  and Ryan Morini. Justin Dunnavant The Oral History conference gave […]

Events mark acquisition; UF celebrates Stetson Kennedy’s work

“Events mark acquisition; UF celebrates Stetson Kennedy’s work” The Gainesville Sun, by Jeff Schweers, October 23, 2013. On October 22, 2013, a symposium of events celebrated the donation of Stetson Kennedy’s papers to the University of Florida. At 6:00 p.m., a panel event featuring Dr. Marvin Dunn, Lucy Anne Hurston, and Dr. Peggy Bulger discussed the legacy […]

Calvin McGhee Cultural Authority of Poarch Creek Indians Utilizes Oral Histories from Partnership with SPOHP

Gainesville, FL—The Poarch Creek Project at the Samuel Project Oral History Program at the University of Florida, which focused on the digitization of oral histories conducted with the Poarch Creek Nation of Alabama in the 1970s, concluded in Summer 2013 with the successful transcribing of over 60 interviews. The oral histories were transferred to the […]

“Making Emancipation: From a Black Reconstruction to a Black President” by Dr. Paul Ortiz at ASALH

On October 5, 2013, SPOHP Director Dr. Paul Ortiz gave the following plenary address at the annual Association for the Study of the African American Life and History conference in Jacksonville, Florida. Dr. Ortiz moderated the SPOHP panel, “Teach Them How to Sing: Harry T. Moore and Patricia Due, Florida’s Activist Educators,” featuring presentations from […] UF Oral History Program Digs Deep in the Delta

“UF Oral History Program Digs Deep in the Delta” from the Groundswell Blog, October 4, 2013. Groundswell: Oral History for Social Change is a dynamic, active network of oral historians, activists, cultural workers, community organizers, and documentary artists who are using oral history and narrative in creative, effective and ethical ways to support movement building […]

SPOHP Welcomes 2013-2014 Board of Advisors

The University of Florida Samuel Proctor Oral History Program’s 2013-2014 Advisory Board is a dynamic panel composed of civically engaged, internationally-recognized scholars and activists. Members the Advisory Board are distinguished scholars with expertise in a comprehensive range of historical subjects. Much of their work forges interdisciplinary connections with oral history, sociology, and critical ethnic studies. […]