“Making It Home” Blog Series Describes Veteran Experiences from American Folklife Center Archive
Explore the blog series, new online for December 14.
Explore the blog series, new online for December 14.
Fall 2014 interns produced podcasts on veterans history. Image from Stephen Dodd, donated to the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program. University of Florida Digital Collections Archive To date, 50+ oral history podcasts are available on the University of Florida’s Digital Collections website, including final projects for the entire Spring 2011, 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014 and Fall 2014, intern classes, […]
Every semester, SPOHP’s interns are in some way touched by United States servicemen, past and present. Whether they transcribe a sixty-year-old recording with one of the last living Civil War veterans or talk with a former leader of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, UF undergraduates encounter the intense experiences of American veterans through oral history. […]
Read more "Oral Histories with Veterans Transform the Ways that Interns Study American History"
For resources and events related to Memorial Day weekend in Gainesville, the following SPOHP media is available to students, researchers, and the general public. May 24-26, 2014: Memorial Mile with Gainesville Veterans for Peace From 7 a.m. on May 24 through dusk on Memorial Day, May 26, Gainesville Veterans for Peace will be displaying 6,781 tombstones to […]
Gainesville Veterans for Peace will be displaying 6,781 tombstones from 7 a.m. on May 24 through dusk on Memorial Day, May 26, 7 p.m. to remember those who have died in the wars in Afghanistan since 2001 and in Iraq since 2003.Memorial Mile will line the street along Eighth Avenue just east of 34th Street, […]
Read more "5/24 – 5/26 Gainesville Veterans for Peace Memorial Mile"
March 12, “Scott Camil: Resistance & Liberation” By Eugenia Hawk, Intern On March 12, 2014, SPOHP hosted a presentation by Vietnam veteran and political activist Scott Camil. The UF Center for Women’s Studies provided the beautiful Ustler Hall atrium, in which the demonstration took place, and by the time Camil began speaking, the entire room was packed […]
Read more "March 12, 2014, “Scott Camil: Resistance & Liberation” Panel"
Mary Bahr, a veteran of the Vietnam War, recounts the work of her in-country service as an Intelligence Officer, including challenging sexism in her ranks and living in a devastated conflict zone. http://ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/AA/00/01/99/72/00001/VWV-048%20Mary%20Bahr%20Podcast.mp3
Gainesville, FL—August 31, 2013 marked the fortieth anniversary of the acquittal of seven Vietnam War veterans and one supporter indicted for conspiracy to violently disrupt the 1972 Republican National Convention. The trial and Gainesville’s role in the peace movement gained national attention when charges were filed against seven activist veterans and one supporter organizing through […]
Mr. Don Obrist has been working with the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program since 2011, primarily on the Veterans History Project, with Ann Smith and a talented group of volunteers who hail from all walks of life. Don has interviewed military veterans from a broad range of eras, including World War II, Korea, and Vietnam-era service members. Ann Smith, […]
Read more "Congratulations to SPOHP’s Fall 2013 Volunteer of the Quarter, Don Obrist!"
He survived the infamous Bataan Death March; he survived bombing attacks by his fellow Americans on Corregidor who were shelling the Japanese on Bataan; he survived two hellish internment camps in the Philippines; he survived the terrifying passage in the hold of a Japanese Hell Ship en route to Japan; and he survived forced labor […]