Field researchers with the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program communicate in a variety of arenas, including writing theses and dissertations, presenting at national conferences, and working with community organizations on emerging research.
Research Conference Participation
Dr. Paul Ortiz and Dr. Yiorgo Topalidis both successfully presented at the 2023 American Historical Association Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dr. Ortiz participated in a roundtable titled, Unions in Higher Education — Historical and Contemporary Realities. Dr. Topalidis presented his recent work, Ottoman Greeks in New York City: Negotiating Identity with the Greek Immigrant Community during the Early 20th Century, as part of a panel organized by the Modern Greek Studies Association.

In April of 2021, George Topalidis presented his paper “Forging an Anti-racist Praxis: Housing Discrimination against Ottoman Greek Immigrants in the Early 20th Century US,” at the Southern Sociological Society’s annual conference. George’s presentation employed data from the Ottoman Greeks of the United States project to argue that Ottoman Greek immigrants faced housing discrimination from the most elite White spaces of Portland and Seattle.