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(quant) Introductions

The introduction to a research report accomplishes two goals: informs the reader by providing information from the research literature necessary to understanding the project; persuades the reader that the research question is credible/valuable by providing the gap in the literature. How are these goals accomplished? In the literature review! The writer provides a brief review […]

Writing Quantitative Research Reports

Science begins with counting. To understand a phenomenon, a scientist must first describe it; to describe it objectively, [s/he] must first measure it — pg. 19, Siddhartha Mukherjee, MD, Ph.D, The Emperor of All Maladies In quantitative studies, the research question is tested using methods that will produce numerical results. In other words, the research design (method) […]

Writing Research Reports

Writing is/should be an integral part of research, not a separate activity…focus research on getting the information needed for the paper, rather than on wandering randomly in intellectual phase space. Writing a Scientific Paper, George M Whitesides Research begins with a question and ends with communication. Communication can happen in the lab, in informal conversation, […]