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Writing Medical Research Reports

…now that you have the data and have interpreted them a certain way, think about how best to tell a story in light of all the previous work in the field, the question(s) you are addressing and why that question is important. How do your results advance our understanding of the question(s)? Have you discovered something new or unexpected? Consider how your findings fit into the broader context of the field, whether they are likely to change the way people in the field will think about the topic and how they will drive further experiments in the future. from Scientific Writing 101

research reportMore than any other type of publication, the research report must both inform AND persuade. Resources have been spent creating new knowledge, and the reader expects to be convinced early that those resources were well spent. Throughout science, the research report  is organized according to an idealized version of the “scientific method”. Each of the subsections is assigned a functional heading: Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion. The headings are functional because they do not name the content of the section, but its relationship to the overall structure of the article. each section has its own goals.

The research report uses textual real estate following an idealized scientific method
