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Poster Presentations

Sites for creating scientific posters abound. Whether you want straightforward explanation or a sense of humor or have an eye for beauty, you will find a free place on the web for creating posters. Here are a few to get you started! Michael Alley — engineer — excellent straightforward explanations that include templates with fonts […]

(review) Introductions

Review introductions are blessedly brief.  Most of the information in a review happens in the body section. Thus, the job of the Introduction is simply to orient the reader to the review topic, identify the motivation for the review, and provide a road map of the reader’s journey though the rest of the text. The […]

Writing Review Papers

“Review articles, including meta-analyses, are critical evaluations of material that has already been published. By organizing, integrating, and evaluating previously published material, the author of a review article considers the progress of current research toward clarifying a problem. — APA Style Guide, 2001, 7, What is a Review Paper?  The APA guide goes on to say: […]

(quant) Discussions

The Discussion section is where interpretation gets done, limitations are pointed out, and speculation occurs. This is usually the section everyone has been waiting to write! However, before you get too far ahead, there is a manner for writing Discussions which is pretty specific. Imagine the Discussion as a dialogue or dance between your research and […]

(quant) Results

The Results section is where outcomes are communicated to the reader — and this is a critical concept: the Results section reports data generated by a method, in other words, outcomes. Do not include interpretation or speculation in this section. This does not mean there is no creative communication in the Results section! Humans are a visually-oriented […]

(quant) Materials & Methods

The Materials and Methods section is very different from the Introduction. It’s like a recipe for how the research was conducted. The litmus test of a successful Methods section is “reproducibility“; that is, the reader could replicate the study based on the information provided. (In reality, this standard may be impossible due to factors such […]

(quant) Introductions

The introduction to a research report accomplishes two goals: informs the reader by providing information from the research literature necessary to understanding the project; persuades the reader that the research question is credible/valuable by providing the gap in the literature. How are these goals accomplished? In the literature review! The writer provides a brief review […]

Writing Research Reports

Writing is/should be an integral part of research, not a separate activity…focus research on getting the information needed for the paper, rather than on wandering randomly in intellectual phase space. Writing a Scientific Paper, George M Whitesides Research begins with a question and ends with communication. Communication can happen in the lab, in informal conversation, […]