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Discipline Pathway

Writers in different disciplines are also often required to discuss the results of their research differently…the finished texts look different in different disciplines. They often use different format and organizational structure and use different citation and documentation systems to acknowledge research sources. All these differences are rhetorical in nature.

Fernand_Léger,_1919,_The_City_(La_Ville),_oil_on_canvas,_231.1_x_298.4_cm,_Philadelphia_Museum_of_ArtWhat is Writing in a Discipline?

We all study the same universe, yet clearly have very different things to say about it. Disciplines vary according to the kinds of questions they ask, the methods used to answer those questions, and the kinds of explanations offered for what is found. Each discipline-specific pathway will begin with a short discussion of these issues.

Next, we’ll provide writing instruction for the dominant genres in a discipline — not every genre will be addressed, but you should find what you need to write a paper in a discipline-specific manner for most of the coursework you’d expect to encounter as an undergraduate and early-career graduate student.

Contents of this Pathway